Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You read that title right.  According to one sweet toddler, my name is Essa.  Now, if you are an adult, I will correct you for messing up my name in the following ways: Chestna, Chesnut, Chestnut, Chezna, Cheznut.  But I will never correct Lora.  She is the first person that young to even attempt my name, much less say the same thing every time!  And every time she walks in and says "Essa!", I just feel happier. 
I was thinking today (after correcting an adult about my name) about why this is.  I think I may have figured it.  When she comes in and says my name, she isn't looking for anything (most of the time).  She just sees me, and aknowledges that she knows me.  How great is that?
I have even better news than that.  God knows my name.  He knows yours too.  He knows the best and worst of us.  God knows everything we've done, haven't done, should have done, and shouldn't have done.  You can take that last sentence and put it in the future tense as well.  But more than the sum of our actions and choices, God knows our names.  He knows the truest form of me, because He created me.  He knows my name, and loves me.  He doesn't love because of me or in spite of me, He just knows me and loves me.
God knows my name.  And God knows your name.

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