Thursday, September 16, 2010

Trying this again

I've done the whole blogging thing before.  And I was horrible at it.  Blogging was what I did instead of studying.  And that was the only time I did blog.  No exaggeration there.  So I am somewhat timid about doing this again.  I want to for a couple of reasons.
1) I have a few friends that no longer live near me, and their blogs tell me so much more about what is going on in their lives than a status update.  I can actually see what they are learning, how they are doing, what they are doing and why they are doing it.  I want to share with them the same way.
2) I am learning and exploring and want to share and be shared with.  Isn't that the whole point of blogging?
3) I have a genuine fear that I am losing the ability to write.  I find it harder to spell correctly, I catch myself using shorthand and incomplete sentences when it is not acceptable.  I am forgetting basic rules of grammar simply because I don't use them.  We are changing that today.
4)  Penny keeps saying she is going to start a blog, and I think it is funny I  beat her to it.
There you go.
Now, every good blog I read has a running joke or theme.  I am starting one today.

Reasons I would be a horrible member of a mega-church.
#1-You cannot put theatre lighting in a room and expect me not to want to wander to the light board (and push buttons).  Kick me out from there, and I will try to find a way to sneak onto the cat walk.  You can forget me paying attention during the song service.  The moment those robot lights start flashing, my focus is complete and unbreakable.  I want to watch the lights.  I will watch the lights.  It's been proven, multiple times.  Call me simple, I don't care.  Those things are awesome and entertaining.

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