Did anyone else grow up with the Care Bears? I loved them! I still own both movies on VHS. My favorite was always Cheer Bear:
Followed closely by Share Bear:
Until they changed her symbol to be more "health conscious," aka, lame.
But, all that rambling aside, the Bear first in my mind this morning was Grumpy Bear.
Every Bear's personality and symbol was supposed to be some kind of lesson or virtue worth learning. As a kid, I had a hard time with Grumpy Bear, what was I supposed to learn from him? With the advent of Google, it became widely known that Grumpy Bear teaches us that it is ok to be grumpy sometimes. When life is hard, or things hurt, or disappointment reigns, or promises are broken, or rejection is too common, or any of the million of things that hurt in this life happen, Grump Bear shows us it is ok to cross our arms and acknowledge the pain.
I think that is part of what Good Friday can be about as well. Jesus suffered horribly, but not just physically. In the span of just a few days, his closest friends betrayed and abandoned him. His own people turned him over to the conquering government, demanding his blood in a way forbidden by their own heritage. Jesus hurt. There is comfort in that. We need to know we are not alone. Knowing that Jesus suffered the psychological and emotional devastation this life can level at us gives us hope in a God that has experienced this mess we call life.
I guess because I'm doing a monologue from Mary, mother of Jesus' perspective, I was kind of in her head space this morning. I kept thinking of her at the cross, letting Jesus go. I wonder if she gave him permission to be weak, to be broken, and to let go. I wonder if she was the mother who loved her child through his pain, looking on his brokenness, promising him that it would someday be better. Did she see enough to remember there is something past death, and have the strength to tell he son that he would be safe and sound soon? I think if any woman had the strength to do so, it was her, a highly favored woman of valor.
I don't know how the hurt ends. I don't know when the pain stops. I don't know when things getter better. But I do know, that joy comes after mourning. Victory will follow at some point. So, here's my current favorite song, and know that you will be safe and sound soon.
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