Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's hard to claim an identity in a divided world....

So, I'm stealing this idea from a few other blogs, but it makes too much sense not to use.  So here is why I would make a lousy Progressive and a lousy Evangelical.

Why I'd make a lousy Progressive:
1. I'm not a universalist.
2. I talk a lot about creation care and radical inclusivity, but I"m not very good at either one.
3. I think Paul was an alright guy.
4. I believe Jesus really did physically rise from the grave.
5. And I believe His mom was a virgin.
6. Sometimes I get tired of deconstructing theology and questioning orthodoxy.
7. Even though I won't be joining the GOP any time soon, I don't have much faith in the Democrats either.

Why I'd make a lousy Evangelical:
1. I believe the world is billion years old.
2. While I haven't read The Origin of Species yet, I think there's some truth to Darwin.
3.  I do NOT watch Fox News!
4. I don't believe in Just War theory.
5. I've never "kissed dating goodbye."
6. I don't think a specially worded prayer has much to do with salvation.
7. I think the cross did more for sin than some are willing to admit.

There it is. Maybe we "in-betweeners" can get together sometime.


  1. Amen to this! Funny enough, I just had this exact same convo with Daniel Haugh during a progressive youth ministry event here in Texas last week. He and I both find ourselves in the middle as well and think there needs to be a real call for balance. However... if I were forced to pick a side I'd always choose Left ;)

  2. I seem to be having this conversation a lot lately. I just can bring myself to say either side has it all together. If forced to pick a side, I think I'd just count myself out. :)

  3. You are describing me sister! Keep following Jesus and serving others. Not so complicated? Love, Don Wilson

  4. PS - I don't think Jesus' warning, "Because you are neither hot nor cold, I will spew you from my mouth," has anything to do with the human dichotomies and choices that we humans like to invent and impose upon one another. -Don again. (I'm posting as "annonymous" because I'm too lame to figure out the other options)
